Inderkum Media Class

Inderkum Media Class

Inderkum Media Class Pt. 2

Inderkum Media Class Pt. 3

Inderkum Student Honored By CVS For Hard Work

District: No Truth To Social Media Rumor That 5 Inderkum High Students Are Sick With Coronavirus

inderkum class of 2012 graduation video

Audit Finds Nearly $50,000 Missing From Inderkum High School Account

We Are Inderkum

Through tragedy, Inderkum HS wide receive becomes top recruit

Inderkum Promposal

Inderkum haka

Inderkum College & Career Readiness Team

Inderkum softball 2018

IHS Sept. Club Rush highlights, 2022

Inderkum High School Period 2 Lip Dub 2019

Inside the Inderkum High School teacher's politically charged classroom

Inderkum Cheer 2016, Senior Nite, IHS-Rio Linda

Inderkum HS football looks to remain undefeated

Inderkum IB Senior night

Inderkum High School Transition Rally, May 18, 2017

Inderkum black out rally

Student Section at Away Games, we need you Tigers!

Legal analyst on a driver not facing charges after Inderkum High School student was struck and died

First football game for Inderkum High School without its head coach